Monday, July 11, 2011

Reading: The Sacred Canopy (P. Berger): Ch. 7 Secularization and the Problem of Legitimation

p 157. Berger indicates his intention to use the crisis of theology in Protestantism as an indicator of a worldwide crisis in theology. I quote "If the drama of the modern era is the decline of religion, then Protestantism can aptly be described as its dress rehearsal"

p 166 Berger claims that "the dominance of neo-orthodoxy appears as a more or less "accidental" interruption of the over-all precess of secularization, the "accident", of course being the political cataclysms that brought to an end the first liberal era."

Thesis thought: Refer to this chapter when writing about the context for SA. It will help you properly contextualization the details.

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