Monday, July 11, 2011

Reading: Cosmos Crumbling (R. Abzug): Ch. 7 The Body Reform

I was looking to this chapter for how to organize comments and interpretations of Maslow in the historical context of the 1960. In some sense, I still don't feel like I know what he was doing. Hopefully with some theoretical signposts I will be able to make sense out to the chaos of his writing.

A key point: p 164. The body reformers sacralized "realms of life usually perceived as profane"

--Thoughts on constructing biography:
  1. Note key works encountered in the development of thought - include this in a timeline
  2. Discuss problems Maslow was trying to solve (valuelessness, etc?)
  3. Explain key theories and works of Maslow
  4. Note Key turning points in Maslow's life (intellectually, socially, politically, culturally, psychologically)
  5. Observe curious absences of occurrences (i.e., Maslow did not have a crisis of meaning in his life)
  6. Follow discussion of main biographical events and key works with analysis and interpretation:
    1. Maslow's development (intellectual and pure biograpy)
    2. Interpretations of SA (other historians and then offer mine)
      1. Show continuity with other historians and commentators
      2. Show discontinuity with other historians and commentators
      3. Offer my own interpretation - SA as a search for authenticity; rationalization of the motivation and mind against freudian interpretations
    3. Reflected a search for the ethical

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