Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inaugural Post

The purpose of this blog is to track the evolution of my thought as I write my thesis. The organization of the blog will mainly center on readings in psychology, history, religion, and philosophy and my daily reactions or responses to those readings. My hope is that through my reactions to different readings the arc or trajectory of the change in my thought will become clear. This has a double purpose: it is not only to track the evolution of my own thought, but also to demonstrate in more detail the process of tracking the evolution of thought in others. I intend to post daily my reactions to reading in a raw form. I expect there will be much repetition of ideas from day-to-day, but overall a change should become evident over time.

My subject of study is Abraham Maslow and his theory of self-actualization. The goal of the thesis is to produce an intellectual-cultural biography of Maslow of between 60-90 pages. In the best of all possible worlds, readers of this blog could contribute to the thesis through their comments on the specific readings and my reactions to those readings. I will do my best to respond to all comments on the blog.

By nature this blog has a limited life-span: it will end once the thesis is done. However, my hope is that the blog's existence may help other students construct their own theses or papers. In that sense, the blog may live on and continue to grow even though the readings have stopped.

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